Comparative Evaluation of Diode Laser and Conventional Desensitizing Agents for the Treatment of Dentinal Hypersensitivity


  • Dr. Bhavna Gaikwad



Diode laser, 5% Sodium fluoride


An in Vivo Study, to compare the Evaluation  Of  Diode  Laser  And  Conventional  Desensitizing  Agents  For  The Treatment  Of  Dentinal  Hypersensitivity. Do patients were clinically diagnosed with cervical dentin hypersensitivity and divided into two groups. Group I were treated with 05% sodium fluoride, whereas Group II were treated with Diode laser irradiation. The assessment of pain and discomfort was by a visual analog scale after patient’s visits on weeks 1, 2, 3 & 4. A statistical significance of data for all clinical and VAS scores within and between groups was determined by using the paired t test. The VAS scores for pain at the 4-week examination showed significant improvements of discomfort immediately after treatment in the laser group as composed to the fluoride group


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How to Cite

Dr. Bhavna Gaikwad. (2019). Comparative Evaluation of Diode Laser and Conventional Desensitizing Agents for the Treatment of Dentinal Hypersensitivity. VIMS Health Science Journal, 6(3), 70–73.


