Immediate Effects Of Strong Surged Faradic Current And Ultrasound On Trigger Points Of Upper Trapezius: A Pilot Study
Myofascial trigger point, Pressure Algometer, Strong Surged Faradic current, Therapeutic UltrasoundAbstract
Background: Myofascial trigger point (MTrP) are found in most of musculoskeletal conditions and common in upper trapezius muscle due to sustained activity in incorrect posture. Clinically Strong surged faradic current(SSF) is found to be effective in its management. Evidence on effects of Ultrasound (US) is available. But due to lack of evidence for SSF; its immediate effect were compared with US. Method: It was experimental single blinded study.30 patients assigned into two groups(15 US,15 SSF) with upper trapezius trigger point; age group 20-40 years participated in this study. Traumatic and degenerative conditions were excluded. Numerical Rating Scale for pain, pressure algometer for tenderness and Goniometer for lateral flexion of cervical range were used as outcome parameters. Evaluation was done before, after and on follow up of 24 hours of treatment. Results: Statistically significant difference (p<0.05) for pain was revealed using Wilcoxon and Mann Whitney U test for intra and inter group respectively. Paired t test and unpaired t test showed significant results for tenderness and ROM for intra and inter group respectively except for Ultrasound which showed insignificant results for tenderness(p=0.05) and ROM (p=0.22) after 24 hours of treatment. Conclusions: SSF was found to have positive effect after 24 hours on resolution of trigger points thus reducing the tenderness and increasing ROM. Its long term effect should be studied further.
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