Management of Splenic Injuries: An Experience with 31 cases – A Prospective Study
Spleen Trauma, Non operative management (NOM)Abstract
Internal haemorrhage after blunt injury of the abdomen is a major cause of death specially in majority of cases of involvement of spleen. Splenectomy is the treatment of choice in most of the cases. However, conservative line of management of splenorrhaphy in haemodynamically stable patients is being tried in our series of 31 cases of splenic injury in a prospective study of consecutive 03 years. All patients diagnosed as spleen injury during the period of June 12 to June 15 from our institution were included in this study. Iatrogenic injuries during major cold surgeries were excluded. A total of 31 cases of splenic injury, 23 cases were managed by splenectomy. Seven cases were managed conservatively with bed rest and iv fluids. One young patient (09 years boy) was managed by splenorrhapy. The rate of salvaged spleen following trauma has increased considerably with conservative line of management in haemodynamically stable patients.
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