Utility of Vaginal Cytology In Gynecological Disorders
Gynecological disorders, PAP smear, Endometrial Histology, Vaginal cytologyAbstract
Aim: the present study was aimed at evaluating the utility of vaginal cytology in various gynecological disorders. Material & Methods: in this diagnostic accuracy study, 55 prospectively registered women with various gynecological disorders were evaluated clinically and subjected to vaginal cytology and endometrial histology. Vaginal cytology was taken with the help of back of the plain forceps. The slides were stained by Leishman stain and rapid Papanicolaou stain. Results: Back of the plain forceps used in this study gave satisfactory results. Pap Stain provided good colour differentiation in various stages of cell maturation. For various gynecological disorders correlation of vaginal cytology with endometrial histology was only 66.66%. Conclusion: Vaginal cytology was not of much used in diagnosing various gynecological disorders and it did not complement or replace the endometrial histology.
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