Evaluation of the 24 Hours Blood Pressure Variability In Normotensive & Hypertensive Individuals Diagnosed On Office Readings


  • Dr. Shruti S. Gandhi
  • Dr. Alok Singhal


Hypertension, Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, while coat hypertension, masked hypertension, BMI


To overcome problem of over or under diagnosing of hypertension, the concept of 24hr blood pressure (BP) measurement was evolved. This study was designed to evaluate BP variability in office normotensive and office hypertensive individuals and to diagnose white coat hypertension among office hypertensive individuals and masked hypertension among office normotensives. A total 20cases (25 normotensive & 25 hypertensives) were studied. Three consecutive office readings at an interval of 30 minutes were obtained. Then 24hr ambulatory blood press monitoring (ABPM) was mounted. Out of 50 patients 22 (44%) were the normotensive 24(48%) true hypertensive 3 (6%) masked hypertensive and 1 (2%) with white coat hypertension. Out of 25 hypertensive and 1 (4%) with while coat hypertensive. The correlation between BMI and systolic BP by both office recordings and ABPM measurements showed that with low BMI (17) the MSBP office was 97 and MSBP 24hr was 97, as the BMI increased to the maximum of 35.5 the MSBP office and MSBP 24hr also increased to 190 and 184 respectively. The results show that ABPM technique is superior to office BP measurement and home BP measurement in diagnosing hypertension. ABP monitoring also identifies the individuals having significant BP variability in 24hrs. The white coat hypertension and masked hypertension can also be diagnosed more accurately and certainty. The results also show that the rise in BMI is accompanied by rise in mean systolic BP.


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How to Cite

Gandhi, D. S. S., & Singhal , D. A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (2017). Evaluation of the 24 Hours Blood Pressure Variability In Normotensive & Hypertensive Individuals Diagnosed On Office Readings. VIMS Health Science Journal, 4(1), 33–36. Retrieved from https://vimshsj.edu.in/index.php/main/article/view/120


