Assessment of Knowledge Regarding Dengue Fever Among Adults of Selected Village, Ahmednagar with a View to Develop Health Education Pamphlet
Dengue, Health Education Pamphlet, Health Promotion ModelAbstract
A study was conducted to assess the knowledge regarding dengue fever among adults of selected village, Ahmednagar, with a view to develop health education pamphlet. The objectives of the study were 1) to assess the knowledge regarding dengue fever among adults. 2) To find out association between knowledge regarding dengue fever and selected demographic variables & 3) To develop health education pamphlet regarding dengue fever. The conceptual framework of the study was based on Nola. J. Pender’s health promotion model. The study was conducted on a sample of 100 adults of Vadgaon Gupta village of Ahmednagar, using purposive sampling technique. In the present study descriptive survey design was adopted. Data were collected by using structured knowledge questionnaire. The obtained data were analysed by using descriptive and inferential statistics like frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and Chi square. The knowledge scores of adults revealed that 75% had average knowledge, 19% had good knowledge and remaining 6% had poor knowledge regarding dengue fever. The study concluded that the knowledge in the respective field is inadequate among the adults and so it is important to initiate actions to enhance the awareness of the people in the community so that they can take necessary measures to prevent diseases.
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