Prevalence of Ophthalmological Manifestations In Patients Hospitalized for Dengue Fever – A Three Year Prospective Study


  • Dr. Avinash Mishra


Dengue, Ophthalmological manifestations, Visual prognosis


Aim: of this study  was to record the various ophthalmological manifestations as well as visual prognosis in 212 cases of dengue fever who were admitted to this centre. Material & Methods: all patients who were admitted as serologically confirmed cases of dengue were subjected to a complete and detailed ophthalmologic examination, immaterial of the presence of any ocular complaints. Results: out of total 212 patients admitted with dengue, ophthalmic manifestations were seen in 94 (44.34%) patients. The youngest patient was 3 year old and the oldest was 69 years with the mean age being 27 year. A majority of the patients 52 (55.32%) were males, 8 (8.51%) patients initially presented with ophthalmic manifestations as the first sign of dengue. Anterior segment findings were far more common with subconjunctival haemorrhage seen in 38 (40.43%) patients, being the commonest ocular manifestation. Most of the patients showed a complete visual recovery within 3 months, however in 6 patients (6.38%), 8 eyes the vision recovered only partially with the final visual acuity being less than 6/12 even after 1 year of follow up. Conclusion: Ocular manifestations in dengue are relatively common. Sometimes they might be its only presenting sign. Hence it becomes imperative to be aware of these subtle signs and symptoms and always keep a dengue etiology in mind while dealing with such patients.


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How to Cite

Mishra, D. A. (2016). Prevalence of Ophthalmological Manifestations In Patients Hospitalized for Dengue Fever – A Three Year Prospective Study. VIMS Health Science Journal, 3(3), 104–110. Retrieved from


