Causes of Neonatal Morbidity & Mortality at Neonatal Unit In Marathwada, Maharashtra


  • Dr. P. B. Khaire
  • Dr. M. Parihar
  • Dr. Savaskar


NICU, Prematurity, Sepsis, Low birth weight


Objectives: to know the causes of neonatal morbidity and mortality among newborns admitted to the neonatal intensive care (NICU) unit of tertiary care teaching hospital in the Marathwada region of Maharashtra. Methods: it was descriptive study conducted from 01st June 2011 to 31st May 2012. Data of all the babies admitted to the NICU unit was recorded in prefixed format. The causes of admissions, referral and deaths were recorded and studies statistically. Results: A total 929 neonates were admitted during the study period. Among them 536 (57.69%) were male and 393 (42.30%) were female. The inborn delivered babies were 559 (60.17%) and outborn were 370 (39.83%). Majority of babies i.e. 625 (67.72%) were admitted in first 24 hours of life. 585 (62.97%) babies weighed below 2.5kgs. Majority of deaths were within early neonatal period (94.95%). Birth asphyxia (29.58%), Sepsis (25.72%) and preterm with low birth weight (13.82%) were the main causes for referral to the hospital. Out of total 929 admissions 358 (38.53%) were preterm and 571 (61.46%) were full term. Among the preterm babies preterm with LBW were 279 (30.03%), preterm with sepsis were 106 (11.41%) only preterm were 60 (6.45%),  preterm with RDS were 44 (4.73%) and other were 5 (0.53%). Among full term baby’s birth asphyxia (16.79%), sepsis (13.34%) and respiratory distress syndrome (9.47%) were most common diagnosis. Prematurity with LBW (44.95%), Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (19.32%), Sepsis (17.64%) was the common causes for the deaths. Conclusions: Prematurity, LBW, birth asphyxia, hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy and sepsis are the major causes of admission and mortality to the NICU unit. The high neonatal mortality warrants an urgent need to identify and reduced the risk factors with emphasis on prematurity, LBW, birth asphyxia and sepsis.


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How to Cite

Khaire , D. P. B. ., Parihar , D. M. ., & Dr. Savaskar. (2015). Causes of Neonatal Morbidity & Mortality at Neonatal Unit In Marathwada, Maharashtra . VIMS Health Science Journal, 2(2), 45–54. Retrieved from


