A Study of Cervical Spine Posture In Medical Students
Craniovertebral angle, Anterior Head alignmentAbstract
Background: ideal posture is believed to be the state of musculoskeletal balance. Students of medical college have to perform and teach numerous subjects which affect their posture and reposition it into a more strained, stressed improper and potentially unbalanced posture, with the addition of external force. Postural problems at cervical spine lead to forward head Posture (FHP), Neck pain, Cervicogenic headache, Rounded shoulders. This study was conducted to gather evidence about the actual medical students. Methods: 60 males and females aged 18-25 years were conveniently selected from medical, Dental & Physiotherapy college. Cervical posture was assessed in terms of Craniovertebral angle (CVA), and Anterior Head Alignment (AHA). Posture was assessed by sagittal plane and frontal plane photographs with the help of D-photo measurer software, Version3.4.0. Study Design: Observational. Results: Showed that CVA, AHA was found to be deviated from normal showing a tendency of FHP and left side lateral deviation. Conclusions: Cervical posture was significantly altered in medical students as an effect of their workload.
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