Study of Zinc Levels In Seminal Plasma & Its Relationship with Semen Quality
atomic absorption spectrometry, Zinc, Seminal Plasma correlation, Trace elementsAbstract
Objectives: To study of zinc levels in seminal plasma & its relationship with various semen parameters such as sperm motility, sperm motility, Sperm concentration and normal more physiology. Study Design: Prospective study there are 3 primary foci in the study of male reproduction 1) the pituitary gland and the gonadotropic hormones secretin that signal spermatogenesis, 2) the male reproductive track which creates and supports the maturation of spermatozoa, 3) the quality and quantity spermatozoa several tracks elements are secreted by the accessory gland in the reproductive track these can be used as diagnostic tools for the disorders in male reproductive system. To assess the levels of essential trace elements in semen and the relation to semen parameter. So there has been increasing interest in the evaluation of essential trace elements presents in different levels in human body fluids and the relationship with reproductive health. Trace elements play an important role in a number of normal function of body, perspective it in very important to evaluate Zn levels to asses semen quality. Methods: The levels of Zn in human seminal plasma were evaluated by atomic absorption spectroscopy. Results: Zinc concentration is significant in oligospermic group in correlation to sperm % motility. Conclusions: it seems that count motility are affected by variations of seminal plasma zinc.
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