A Case of Tuberculous Pericardial Effusion


  • Dr. (Brig) Arun Tyagi
  • Dr. Marcia Waran
  • Dr. Sandip Patel
  • Dr. Nikhil Jariwala


Pericardial effusion, Pericardiocentesis, Tuberculosis, Cardiac Tamponade


A 75 year old male presented with severe breathlessness and was found to have a clinical features of massive pericardial effusion leading to cardiac tamponade. There was neither previous exposure to tuberculosis nor any suggestion of immunosuppression. Repeated analysis of pericardial fluid established a tuberculous origin.


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How to Cite

Tyagi, D. (Brig) A. ., Waran, D. M. ., Patel, D. S. ., & Jariwala, D. N. . (2015). A Case of Tuberculous Pericardial Effusion. VIMS Health Science Journal, 2(2), 66–68. Retrieved from https://vimshsj.edu.in/index.php/main/article/view/173



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