Efficacy of Berg Balance Scale (BBS) to Predict Falls In Elderly Individuals
Berg Balance Scale, Activity-specific Caution scaleAbstract
Background: if a senior falls and is injured, his or her ability to live independently decreases. Balance is one of the important factor contributing towards upright posture. This study is aimed to find out if there exists any correlation between activity specific balance confidence scale which assesses confidence and BBS which determines the ability of the individual to balance themselves. Method: Observational study conducted at Physiotherapy institute. There were 110 elderly individuals included in the study by random sampling technique. Individuals with age group 60-80 years & those who are functionally independent were included in the study. Further individuals having independent standing minimum for five minutes and individual with intact ability to understand the commands were included in the study. Subjects with known neurological disorder & acute musculoskeletal disorder were excluded from the study. Test items were performed by subject and score on ABC scale and BBS were calculated for all subjects after giving detailed information about the tool and their use in the language they understand. Result: There is significant negative correlation between BBS & ABC (r=0.248) & p Value 0.74. Conclusion: from the study it can be concluded that ABC if effective in predicting falls in elderly individuals.
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