Is Custom Made Lower Limb Orthosis Beneficial for In Pot Polio Residual Paralysis Patients?
Polio, Post polio residual paralysis, Limb OrthosisAbstract
Objective: the purpose of this study was to find out the usefulness of custom made lower limb orthosis in post-polio residual paralysis patients. Design: Cross sectional study. Setting: department of Neuro Physiotherapy, tertiary Hospital & Villages around Ahmednagar. Methods: this study was conducted between January 2009-November 2010. Fifty participants from both gender, aged between 12 to 45 and those who met all the eligibility criteria were included. Result: the results of the study revealed that the discontinuation of lower limb orthoses was 72% in males and in females it was 64%. For hip knee ankle orthosis discontinuation was (86%) followed by ankle foot orthosis (84%). Conclusion: we concluded that discontinuation of lower limb orthoses was more in males compare to females and the reason was physical intolerance.
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