Huge Ovarian Mass
Ovarian Mass, Mucinous cystadenoma, Ovarian tumourAbstract
Ovarian masses are commonly found in gynaecology and may acquire huge sizes. Presentation of huge ovarian masses has become rare in the modern world due to early diagnosis, increased awareness and availability of better imaging modalities. Still we get reports of patients with large ovarian masses that are mostly benign but needs to be differentiated meticulously from malignancy. Diagnosis can be made by clinical examination and diagnostic studies like ultrasonography, CECT abdomen and pelvis and biochemical markers. Although final diagnosis is only possible at laparotomy. Herein we present a case of huge ovarian mass where patient presented with sudden onset huge abdominal distension preceded by generalised weakness. The patient underwent laparotomy with total hysterectomy with bilateral salpingoophorectomy with partial omentectomy. Her postoperative course was unremarkable.
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