A modified technique of sutured scleral fixated Intraocular lens implantation - It's simpler!
Sutured, Scleral fixated (SFIOL), Apakia, Ab externoAbstract
Background : Scleral Fixated Intraocular Lens (SFIOL) implantation was first described in 1950. Since then different ways of performing the procedure have been described. These are basically grouped into either ab interno or ab externo techniques. Method : A retrospective case-series descriptive study. SFIOLs were implanted in 66 eyes of 66 consecutive patients with varying indications at a tertiary centre. The surgery was performed by an ab externo method with a single suture railroading technique, without creation of scleral flaps and without use of viscoelastic material. Post-operative visual recovery and complications over 12 months follow up were studied. Result : Visual recovery after the procedure was comparable to other studies. Complications noted were also similar to other studies. Conclusion : SFIOL implantation without the creation of scleral flaps reduced surgical time, w h i l e t h e c o m p l i c a t i o n r a t e s r e m a i n e d comparable to similar studies. There was a reduced risk of glaucoma without the use of viscoelastic materials in the surgery.
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