Subsequent Pregnancy Outcome Following MTP: Medical Versus Surgical Method


  • Dr. S. K. Rath
  • Dr. P. Chalukya


Medical termination of pregnancy, Pregnancy outcome, Medical Termination of pregnancy act


Background: with the advancement in procedures for termination of pregnancy as well as amendment of MTP act, there has been increasing use of termination by means of medication. However, limited information is available regarding the effects of this procedure on subsequent pregnancies. Method: A retrospective analysis of records of all admissions and day care procedures in pregnant patients in our institute was carried out. A simple inclusion criteria was kept as multigravida with history of first trimester termination of immediate preceding pregnancy. Outcome: in the index pregnancy in women who had a first trimester medical abortion were compared with those who had a first trimester surgical abortion in immediate preceding pregnancy. Results: among pregnancies in women who had a previous first trimester medical abortion or surgical abortion, there were 20 ectopic pregnancies, 151 spontaneous abortions, 62 preterm births and 47 births with low birth weight. After adjustment for maternal age , interval between pregnancies, gestational age at abortion, parity and urban or non-urban residence, medical abortion was not found to be associated with a significantly increased risk of ectopic pregnancy, spontaneous abortion, preterm birth or low birth weight. Gestational age at medical abortion was not related with any of these adverse outcomes. Conclusion: A previous medical abortion, as compared with a previous surgical abortion, does not affect the risk of an adverse outcome in subsequent pregnancy.


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How to Cite

Rath , D. S. K., & Chalukya , D. P. (2014). Subsequent Pregnancy Outcome Following MTP: Medical Versus Surgical Method . VIMS Health Science Journal, 1(3), 115–117. Retrieved from




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