The Knowledge & Practice of Menstrual Hygiene among Adolescent Girls iI One of the Municipal Corporation Schools of Ahmednagar
Menstrual hygiene, Adolescent girls, Knowledge, PracticeAbstract
Aim: to find out knowledge and practice of menstrual hygiene in school going girls. Objectives: 1) assessing the level of knowledge regarding menstrual hygiene among school going girls. 2) to find out the status of menstrual hygiene being practiced by the school going girls. Material & Methods: a community based cross sectional study on adolescent girls carried at municipal corporation school, Ahmednagar. A pretested semi structured questionnaire was used for data collection. The demographic information including family details, parents education, occupation, housing conditions, house type, toilet facility and water supply in the toilet were enquired and then documented. All girls present on the day of school visits were included i.e. 140 out of 178 (80%) coverage). The girls absent on the day of visit were interviewed in the next class visit. The data analysis was done using SPSS 15 software. Results: it was evident that the mean age of girls was 13 years and the range was between 11 to 16 years. It was evident that only 87 (62.14%) girls were aware about menstruation before menarche. A majority of girls (70.71%) were not aware of the source of the menstrual bleeding. The study showed that 44 (31.42%) girls used sanitary pads during menstruation, 90 (64.28%) girls used cloth pieces and 6 (4.28%) girls used both sanitary pad & cloth. The cleaning of external genitalia was satisfactory in 97% of girls and only 3% girls showed unsatisfactory results. Conclusion: It can be said that among the adolescent school girls, the knowledge on menstruation is poor and the practice are often not optimal for proper hygiene. Menstrual hygiene as an issue needs to be addressed at all levels. It is essential to design a mechanism to address and for the access of healthy menstrual practices.
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