An Experimental Study of Selected Yoga Poses on Young Adult Female Population Reporting Primary Dysmenorrhoea
Dysmenorrhoea, Moo’s Menstrual distress questionnaire, Visual Analogue Scale, YogaAbstract
Background: Dysmenorrhoea is one of the most common gynaecological complaints in young adolescent girls who present to clinical physician and referral to physiotherapy. Yogic exercises are well designed for women and various yoga poses are mentioned in various research articles but the research related to absenteeism at workplace, frequency of medication and other symptoms related menstrual period could not be traced. Study Design: Experimental study of 30 subjects between 15-25years of age. Methods: total 30 subjects were included in study. A yogic exercise programme was given three times in a week for three months, one time session was supervised. A record was maintained regarding absenteeism at workplace. Visual analogue scale , Moo’s menstrual distress questionnaire and frequency of medication. Data was collected and analysed statistically Results: the present study shows a significant change in the frequency of medication, absenteeism at workplace, visual analogue scale, Moo’s menstrual distress questionnaire (S, p<0.05). Conclusion: Selected yoga postures can be used as an alternative treatment protocol. Selected yoga postures have shown significant change in the outcome measures by influencing autonomic nervous system. Selected yoga postures were positively influencing all outcome measures. Hence selected yoga postures can be used as remedy for alleviating symptoms of primary dysmenorrhoea.
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