Lotus Birth
Lotus birth, Natural birthing practice, neonatal umbilical integrityAbstract
Lotus birth or umbilical nonseverance is the practice of leaving the umbilical cord uncut, so that the baby remain attached to the placenta until the cord naturally separates at the navel, exactly as a cut cord does 3-10 days after birth. It ensures that an average of 100mL of precious red blood cells will transfer gently to the baby at its most critical time of need, to contribute towards the amazing exponential brain development of the first year, and not be disposed of or harvested due to adult well intentioned mistrust of the infants physiological integrity. Lotus birth might not be a popular choice, due to risk of infection in the placenta which can consequently spread to the bay, as placenta is prone to infection as it contains blood.
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RCOG statement on umbilical non-severance or "Lotus birth. 2008.
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