To Study the Allergens Responsible for Allergic Diseases In Ahmednagar District
Skin Prick Test (SPT), Allergic Rhinitis, Bronchial Asthma, Pollens, Dust mitesAbstract
Introduction: In many parts of India, aeroallergens are not known. Skin prick test (SPT) is the gold standard to diagnose allergy. Although SPT do not differentiate between allergy and sensitization. Clinical correlation is essential for distinguishing sensitization from allergy. Objectives: To evaluate allergens responsible for allergic diseases in the population of Ahmednagar district. Material & Methods: Twenty-four patients of bronchial Asthma and Allergic rhinitis were subjected to SPT. SPT was performed using allergen extracts from Maharashtra. Results: Out of 24 patients. 6(25%) patients belonged to age group of 41-50 yrs. 8(33%) patients belonged to 31-40 yrs. 9(37%) belonged to 21-30yrs. 1 patient was below 10 year of age. 9(37.5%) had both AR and BA.7 (29%) had BA. 8(33%) had AR. SPT results showed following results. 21 patients (87%) showed positive SPT for pollen. 10 (41%) showed positive SPT to mites.7 (29%) showed positive SPT to animal epithelia.6 (25%) showed positive SPT to insects, 3(12%) to fungi and 4(16%) to dust. Among pollens peltophorum was more common followed by argemon and parthenium. Among dust mites pteronyssinus and ferani both were common representing equal percentage. Conclusion: Pollens were the most common allergen. Peltophorum pterocarpum was more frequent among pollens. Mites were second common. Both Mites (Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, Dermatophagoides farina) were seen with equal frequency.
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