Assessment of Psychosomatic Symptoms of Menstruation among Adolescent Girls Studying In Selected Educational Institutes of Pune
Psychosomatic symptoms, Menstruation, Adolescent girlsAbstract
Background: Menstruation is a biological stress for females during their reproductive life. Anxiety ,lethargy household confinement ,blood loss, irregularity ,weakness, and several deep-rooted cultural taboo make menstruation a regular and nagging ,but inevitable event to many of them. Often a series of physical and emotional turmoil are observed in some particular group of females just prior to menstruation ,which are apparently vague, bizarre but troublesome. Objectives: 1) To assess psychosomatic symptoms of menstruation among adolescent girls. 2) To determine impact of menstruation and associated psychosomatic symptoms among adolescent girls. 3) To find out the association between selected demographic variables and psychosomatic symptoms. Methodology: Research question: What are the psychosomatic symptoms of menstruation among adolescent girls?. The study design consisted of a descriptive approach with a descriptive survey design. The study population is selected adolescent girls who are studying in selected educational institutes at Pune. Stratified random sampling technique was adopted. The sample consisted of 150 adolescent girls. Tools and Technique: The tool developed and used for data collection was self-administered questionnaire on psychosomatic symptoms of menstruation among adolescent girls having Section I, II, and III. Section I consisted of 10 items related to baseline proforma and Section II consisted of 18 items related to menstruation and related aspects and Section III consisted of 47 items to Menstrual Distress Questionnaire. Validity & Reliability: The content validity of the tool was established by 13 experts. The reliability of the tool was established by using Cronbach’s alpha method. The reliability is r=0.87 was high and considered to be reliable and adequate. Data gathering process: The data collection was done between 15/02/2010 to 26/02/2010. The subjects were selected using the stratified random sampling technique. The investigator was introduced to the students by the class teachers. The letter containing brief details of the study and general instructions about solving tools was circulated among the students. The students were given the freedom to clarify their doubts , as required . After this, a written consent was taken from the subjects. The three tools were administered to the students. Assurance was given regarding confidentiality and maintained the conducive environment. The average time taken by the respondents to complete the questionnaire was approximately 60 minutes. The major findings of the study: Section I: Description of baseline proforma- Most of the adolescents girls (39%) were in the age of 13 to 14 years of age ,majority of them (87%) were Hindu by religion ,(74%)had received sex education and source of information for their mothers ,books and magazines (39% &30% respectively).Most of them received sex education regarding menstrual hygiene and child birth(36% & 37% respectively). Many of them (59%)were from nuclear family, majority of their (46%) family income was below Rs. 5000, and their father’s occupations (36% & 35%) are business and service and most of their (76%)mother’s occupations are housewives. Section II: Description of menstruation and related aspects-Most of the adolescents girls (38.66%) had attained menarche at the age of 14 years, for majority of them (71.33%)had duration of 3-5 days of menstrual cycle. Many of them kept the record of menstrual cycle (66.66%) and the majority of them the interval between two periods were 16-30days. For many of them the amount of flow was normal (60%). Majority of them did regular exercises(70%) and communicated their problems(83.33%). Section III: Assessment of psychosomatic symptoms and impact of menstruation-The findings of the present study reveal that the psychosomatic symptoms among adolescent girls were pain (29.9%), negative affect (24.4%), behavioral change (19.4%), concentration (17.1%) was observed in many of them. Autonomic reactions (13.1%), arousal (10.7%), control (9.51%), and water retention (7.17%) was found in an average. Most of them were observed in 15 to 16 years of age (51.77%). 13 to 14 years, 17 to 18 years, 19 to 20 years was found in an average (41.13% ,45.39% ,34.75% respectively), and impact of psychosomatic symptoms of menstruation among adolescent girls were found (51.77%)as mild. Section IV: Association between psychosomatic symptoms and selected demographic variables-The findings of the present study reveal that the calculated value (chi-square =8.56, 9.83 respectively) of age (in years)of adolescent girls and age of menarche is greater than the table value (chi-square=7.815, and 7.81 respectively , df=3) at 0.05 level of significance . Hence there is association between the age of adolescent girls and age of menarche in psychosomatic symptoms.
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