Normative value of timed up and go test in children between the age group of 5-12 years
Children, functional mobility, Timed up and go testAbstract
Background : Though Timed up And Go test is commonly used for research studies in Paediatric age group, the normative values in the particular
age group of 5-12 years in Indian children is not available. Aim : To determine normative values for timed up and go (TUG) test in children.
Methods and Material: In this observational study participants Age , Sex , height , weight were recorded. Test was first demonstrated to
be performed that the child got up from a chair walk a 3 meter walkway turn and then walk and sit in the chair. The test was performed thrice and the time was recorded. Statistical analysis used: Descriptive and inferential Statistics. Results: The children took 5.89 seconds to complete the test (male
=5.89 seconds and female = 6 seconds) . There was no significant correlation between BMI and mean TUG score. Conclusions:This study provides the normative values of Timed up and Go test in children which can be used for future research studies.
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