External fixation in proximal Humerus Fracture in elderly and co- morbid patients


  • Dr. Ganesh G. Zarekar DVVPFs Medical College & Hospital, A'nagar-414111
  • Dr. P. M. Daule
  • Dr. Deepak B. Naikwade




Proximal humreus fracture, External stabilizing system, Neer's Fracture type


Fractures around proximal humerus are common injuries occurring in predominantly elderly female population associated with osteoporosis. Elderly age group associated with comorbidity gives good outcome with minimal intervention with external stabilization of the fracture avoiding major surgical procedure on proximal humerus. Objective: to study the outcomes of fixation of proximal humerus fracture by external stabilizing system in elderly, osteoporotic and comorbid patients. Methodology: we did study of 30 Neers type 3 and type 4 fracture patients in span of 12 months from fracture in which 17 were female and 13 were male patients. The age group was 50 to 75. The results external fixation of fracture was evaluated as per Neers criteria. Results: all 30 patients were followed till fracture got union. in Neers type 3 fracture 70% patients got good results while in type 4 fractures 55% patients got good results. Conclusion: external stabilization of Neers type 3 and 4 proximal humerus fracture patients who are elderly, osteoporotic and comorbid shows excellent outcome with this minimally invasive stabilizing system.


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How to Cite

Zarekar, D. G. G., Daule, D. P. M., & Naikwade, D. D. B. (2021). External fixation in proximal Humerus Fracture in elderly and co- morbid patients. VIMS Health Science Journal, 8(4), 145–148. https://doi.org/10.46858/vimshsj.8405


