To Study the Sleep Pattern & Factors Affecting Sleep in the Adolescence
Sleep pattern, adolescents, factors affecting sleepAbstract
Background : The frequency of usage of mobile phones and music media increase with age and depends on socioeconomic status. While girls use mobile phones and music, boys use computers and games. Children's television viewing habits have been reported to be associated with variety of significant behavioral consequences, including obesity and poor eating habits, decreased physical activity and physical fitness. Objectives : The study is to assess the Sleep pattern & Factors affecting sleep in the adolescent. Methods : A total of 1210 subjects were assessed from age of 12 - 18 years from urban schools and Medical college of Kalaburagi, to find sleep pattern and factors affecting sleep in adolescents through a questionnaire. Results : In the study the adolescents have delay bedtime and wake up time during the holidays, adolescents also use their bed for other than sleep like doing homework, watching television, playing video games, talking in a telephone. Conclusion : The present study showed that as the age increases there is delayed in both bedtime and wake up
time and had a significant P value.
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