Hysterectomies and bodily autonomy in female migratory farm laborers in the unorganized labor sector in Beed district of Maharashtra: A Review Article


  • Dr. Amrut Arun Swami
  • Sakshi Rane
  • Dr. Sanjay Kumar
  • Dr. Rahul Netragaonkar DVVPFS medical College & Hospital Ahmednagar
  • Dr. Ashish Kumar Jha




Unorganized sector, Occupational health, Female Labourers, Hysterectomy


Seasonal labor migration is a vital aspect of livelihood in rural and tribal regions of India. Females are paid less than males for the same amount of work. Contractors are unwilling to hire female menstruating laborers as menstruation and pregnancy are considered as roadblocks. The worry of hefty fines for absence pushes girls to get their uterus removed as menstruation & pregnancy may require them to pass work opportunities. This review aims to summarize the prevalence of hysterectomies among these women, and tries to understand the mindset behind the same. In 2018, 36% of female sugarcane laborers in the State had undergone a hysterectomy.  While the rate of hysterectomies among women aged between 15- 49 years at the all-India level is 3.2%, the hysterectomy rate in the state of Maharashtra is 2.6%. Our findings revealed several studies and newspaper articles showing the prevalence of irrational hysterectomies among the unorganized migratory farm laborers as a result of work-related pressures, a grossly unregulated private medical sector and exploitative contractors who hire them.


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How to Cite

Swami, D. A. A. ., Rane, S. ., Kumar, D. S. ., Netragaonkar, D. R., & Jha, D. A. K. (2022). Hysterectomies and bodily autonomy in female migratory farm laborers in the unorganized labor sector in Beed district of Maharashtra: A Review Article. VIMS Health Science Journal, 9(2), 62–68. https://doi.org/10.46858/vimshsj.9208



Review Articles