Assessment of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Knowledge and Attitude Amongst Interns and Junior Residents of Tertiary Care Centre
AHA CPR Guidelines 2020, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, Basic Life Support, Knowledge, AttitudeAbstract
Introduction: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a life saving procedure and adequate knowledge and skills related to CPR are essential for all medical students. This study was undertaken to compare knowledge and practice related to updated CPR guidelines by American Heart Association (AHA) 2020 between junior residents and interns. Methods: This is a questionnaire-based study prepared on Google form consisting of 22 questions on CPR. The participants were all from DVVPF’s medical college and hospital, Ahmednagar and all those who were willing to participate were included. They were advised to read carefully and allowed to tick one best response among the options. Results: Total of 124 participants included 41 junior residents and 83 interns. An average overall correct response from both the group was 14.48 (65.81 %). Interns score was average of 13.024 (59.20 %) and so had lower correct response than junior residents, who had average score of 18.39 (83.59%). But there was a considerable difference in pattern of correct response between both the groups. Among theory knowledge-based questions (Part 1), junior residents had an average of 8.707 correct answers out of 11 (79.15%) which is more correct answers than interns who have average 5.90 correct (53.63%). Similarly, in terms of practical knowledge, junior residents had an average score 9.682 out of 11 (88.026%) compared to interns who had an average of 6.518 out of 11 (59.27%). Conclusion: The study showed poor knowledge about CPR among the interns. More practical based teaching should be employed in MBBS curriculum. Periodical reinforcement and refresher courses should be part of curriculum.
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