Correlation Of Core Muscle Strength and Lower Limb Muscle Strength With Lower Limb Functional Status In Healthy Middle Old Population


  • Pallavi Hoge
  • Dr Mayuri Khatavkar (PT) Assistant Professor



Core strength, TUG, 5SST, Functional status, Lower limb strength, Pressure biofeedback


Background: Aging is a gradual, life-long process and highly variable, characterized by a progressive and cumulative generalized impairment of physiological functions which in turn reduces functional performance and disturbs ADL’s & may lead to significant impact on core & lower limb muscles, which are important in functioning. Thus, the study aimed at assessing correlation amongst the core & lower limb muscles and functional status. Methods and procedures: 84 participants between 70-79 yrs of age ()(Male:Female = 1) were assessed for core strength, Lower limb strength and functional mobility using pressure biofeedback, five times sit to stand and timed up and go test respectively and data was tabulated & analyzed further in SPSS. Results: Spearman's correlation was used in this study which showed significant positive correlation between core strength and lower limb strength with lower limb functional status. (r(Core)=0.813, r(5SST) =0.893; p(Core)=0.00, p(5SST) =0.00) Discussion: Optimal core stability helps maintain the center of gravity within the altered base of support and this could be a reason for individuals with good core strength having better functional mobility. Also force of muscle contraction is directly proportional to velocity of movement which is seen reduced in lower limb musculature because of aging in this population. Conclusion: The present study concluded that strong correlation of core strength and lower limb strength with functional mobility exists among middle old elderly population


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How to Cite

Pallavi Hoge, & Dr Mayuri Khatavkar (PT). (2022). Correlation Of Core Muscle Strength and Lower Limb Muscle Strength With Lower Limb Functional Status In Healthy Middle Old Population. VIMS Health Science Journal, 9(2), 49–54.


