Pterygium management and comparison of different surgical approaches with supportive treatment in Rural Maharashtra


  • Dr. Valay C. Parekh DVVPF’s Medical College & Hospital, Ahmednagar-414111, Maharashtra, India
  • Dr. A. K. Singh
  • Dr. Ms. S. A. Divate
  • Mr. Yash C. Parekh



Pterygium, Fleshy pterygia, Conjunctival autograft, Mitomycin c


BACKGROUND: Numerous surgical procedures and changes have been ineffective in preventing the recurrence of pterygium. A prospective clinical observational analysis of 205 individuals with primary pterygium was conducted where patients were treated with various surgical procedures. The patients were observed for two to five years in order to examine the frequency of recurrences and consequences. RESULT: Patients were divided into four groups and treated using a variety of surgical methods. Straightforward excision of pterygium was the treatement of choice in group 1. Excision with conjunctival rotation pedicle graft was used on patients in Group 2. Excision and conjunctival autograft were used to treat Group 3 patients. Patients in Group 4 received excision and a 0.02 percent solution of mitomycin c drops as a postoperative treatment. Age varied from 22 to 58, with a median of 34. All four groups had an equal number of men and women. Hemorrhage, astigmatism, symblepheron, foreign body feeling, and a corneo-scleral ulcer were among complications that were reported. There were 12 percent complications in group 1, 16 percent complications in group 2, 6 percent complications in group 3, and 8 percent complications in group 4.  Criteria for recurrence was defined as the regrowth of fibrovascular tissue or the appearance of an aesthetic flaw. It's 30 percent for group 1; 14 percent for group 2, 9 per cent for group 3, and 8 per cent for group 4. CONCLUSION: The least rate of recurrence was noted in patients of Group 4 who had pterygium excision with postoperative mitomycin c instillation, and complications were least common in patients in Group 3 who had pterygium resection with conjunctival autograft..


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How to Cite

Parekh, D. V. C., Singh, D. A. K. ., Divate , D. M. S. A., & Parekh , M. Y. C. . (2022). Pterygium management and comparison of different surgical approaches with supportive treatment in Rural Maharashtra. VIMS Health Science Journal, 9(3), 73–76.


