Purpura Fulminans Secondary to Indian Tick Typhus of Spotted Fever Group of Rickettsial Infections: A Case Report


  • Dr. Surbhi D. Sawant Department of Paediatrics, DVVPFs Medical College & Hospital, Ahmednagar-414111, Maharashtra, India
  • Dr. Abhijit Shinde
  • Dr. Suresh Waydande
  • Prof. Dr. Sunil Natha Mhaske
  • Dr. Sushrut Kumar




Rickettsial infections, Purpura fulminans, Weil felix test, Indian tick typhus


Rickettsia is a group of vector-borne organisms that beget acute febrile illnesses throughout the world. While the clinical presentation of rickettsial infection is analogous, the causative species and epidemiology can vary depending upon the region. Purpura fulminans (PF) is a rare pattern of intravascular thrombosis and haemorrhagic infarction of the skin that is fleetly progressive and is accompanied by vascular collapse and disseminated intravascular coagulation. We report a case of 11 month old male child presented with high grade fever and necrotic skin lesion over lower limbs. The child was diagnosed with acute contagious PF secondary to Indian tick typhus of spotted fever group of rickettsial infections. Underdiagnosed and misdiagnosed rickettsial infections are an important public health problem leading to an increased morbidity and mortality in cases with PF.


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How to Cite

Sawant, D. S. D., Shinde, D. A. ., Waydande, D. S., Mhaske, P. D. S. N. ., & Dr. Sushrut Kumar. (2023). Purpura Fulminans Secondary to Indian Tick Typhus of Spotted Fever Group of Rickettsial Infections: A Case Report. VIMS Health Science Journal, 9(5), 110–113. https://doi.org/10.46858/vimshsj/9404



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