The Effectiveness of EMG Biofeedback to Improve Ankle Dorsiflexion in Stroke Patients: A Systematic Review
EMG biofeedback, Stroke, Ankle dorsiflexionAbstract
Background: Stroke, results in some form of residual deficits even after recovery. Patients face difficulty in ambulating, probably because of reduced ankle dorsiflexion. Present systematic review aims to explore the literature-related to studies conducted on patients with Stroke for the effectiveness of electromyography biofeedback (EMG BF) therapy in the treatment of ankle dorsiflexion. Methodology: This study included nine randomised trials, all including patients who developed stroke after an episode of acute Ischemic infract. Use of databases Google Scholar, PubMed and CINHAL full text was done. Results: EMG muscle activity also showed improvement in 3 out of 9 studies. This may be attributed to gradual weight bearing and improving in muscle activity over the period of time. Discussion: EMG BF is useful for improving motor functions and walking speed as well as increasing ROM and muscle activation maybe because new pathways are formed or previous cerebral and spinal pathways and networks are activated by the stimulation with feedback or remaining proprioceptive senses are regulated by visual and acoustic warnings. Conclusion: There is gradual weight bearing and improvement in muscle activity post EMG BFB over the period of time.
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