To Study the Correlation Between the Height & the Quadruple Semitendinosus Graft Diameters


  • Dr. Nitin Bhalerao



ACL Tears, Hamstring Tendons, Arthroscopy


Background: Diameter of hamstring graft is variable. Premature tendon amputation occurs because of inability to identify and release all accessory bands. Preoperative prediction of hamstring graft size, number and distance of accessory bands is useful for surgeon. Methodology: This is cross-sectional study included 60 patients. Correlation coefficient (Pearson’s r) was used. T-test was used to compare the variables in both genders. Result: There were correlations between the mean semitendinosus tendon diameters- femoral side (FD) and tibial side (TB) with height of patient (Pearson correlation for FD =0.442 and P< 0.001) (Pearson correlation for TD =0.663 and P< 0.001). For the semitendinosus tendons, the mean number of accessory bands was 1.48. The average distance of the most distal band (D1) to the tibial crest insertion was 6.7 ± 2.04 cm (range 3- 11 cm). In our study, distance of most proximal band to the tibial crest insertion was 11.5 cm (mean 8.5 cm). Conclusion: In our study, positive correlation between the height and the quadruple semitendinosus graft diameters was present. Semitendinosus graft diameters were more in males as compare to females. Third accessory band was present only in males (n=4) in our study. As height of patient increases, distance of distal band (D1) increases from tibial crest. There was inverse correlation between number of accessory bands and distance of the most distal band (D1) insertion. As number of bands less, the more is distance of proximal band from tibial crest.


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How to Cite

Dr. Nitin Bhalerao. (2020). To Study the Correlation Between the Height &amp; the Quadruple Semitendinosus Graft Diameters. VIMS Health Science Journal, 7(1), 1–4.


