Recurrence Risk Of Febrile Seizures In Children
Epilepsy, febrile seizure, recurrenceAbstract
Background: Febrile seizures occur in 2 to 4 percent of all children, approximately one third of whom will have recurrent febrile seizures. The objective of this study was to identify the risk factors for recurrence of febrile seizures in children and also the predictors of its recurrence. To identify children having febrile seizures who are at greater risk for recurrence is of utmost importance to reduce mortality and morbidity in children. Methods: This prospective hospital based study was conducted among children of 6 months to 6 years of age. Children meeting the selection criteria were enrolled in study. Clinical, investigation, treatment and outcome parameters were analyzed. Results: A total of 102 children with febrile seizure were enrolled in study. Males accounted for 70% and females 30%. Simple febrile seizure was present in 48% and complex febrile seizures were seen in 52%. Recurrence of seizure was seen in one third of cases. Loss of consciousness was most common post-ictal phenomenon followed by confusion and lethargy. Upper respiratory infection was the most common precipitating factor. Generalized Tonic Clonic Seizure was the most common seizure type present in 79% of cases. Significant risk factors for recurrence occurred in males (p=0.088), age less than 1 year (p=0.003). Most of the recurrence occurred within one year of first seizure. Conclusions: Febrile Seizure is common in males. Almost one third of children with febrile seizure are at risk for recurrence. The significant risk factors for recurrences are male gender and age <1year. Risk factors for febrile seizures include developmental delay, discharge from a neonatal unit after 28 days, day care attendance, viral infections, a family history of febrile seizures, certain vaccinations, and possibly iron and zinc deficiencies. Febrile seizures may occur before or soon after the onset of fever, with the likelihood of seizure increasing with the child's temperature and not with the rate of temperature rise.
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