Comparative study of the Effectiveness of the use of the universal tennis elbow splint compared to elbow brace in treatment of Lateral Epicondylitis


  • Dr. Uday B. Pote Hardikar Hospital, Pune
  • Aishwarya Solge
  • Vaishnavi Karpe
  • Mihir A Ghare
  • Antara A Thatte



Tennis elbow, Lateral epicondylitis, Wrist splint, Forearm brace


Background: Lateral epicondylitis is a serious condition affecting 1 to 3% of adult population between the age group of 30 to 50 year old. This group represents the working force and tennis elbow causes debilitating pain and patients are unable to perform the affected limb functions of lifting or holding anything. The main cause for tennis elbow is the tendinopathy of the extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle (ECRB). There are multiple treatment measures to relieve the pain and bring back the function of the limb to normalcy as early as possible. The elbow brace is used to reduce the expansion of the ECRB and thereby reducing the symptoms of tennis elbow. It was hypothesized that wrist splints would reduce the activation of the ECRB muscle and thereby will reduce the symptoms of the tennis elbow. Streek et al performed a study using the wrist splint with 20-30 degrees extension and mentioned in limitations the changing the degree of extension may improve outcomes as compared to elbow braces. On that hypothesis we used a brace with only 5-10 degrees of extension. Aims: 1) To study the symptomatic and functional outcome of the elbow brace. 2) To study the symptomatic and functional outcome of the wrist splint. 3) To compare the symptomatic and functional outcomes between the wrist splint and the elbow brace. Material & Methods: The patients included in the study were divided into Group A receiving the wrist splint and group B elbow brace. The patient rated tennis elbow evaluation score (PRTEE), grip strength and pain visual assisted (VAS) score on the day of enrolment and 6 weeks after using either the elbow brace or wrist splint was noted. We used Mann-Whitney U test to calculate P-value intergroup and for P-value intra-group we used Wilcoxon’s signed rank test. Result: Group A distribution of median 6 weeks PRTEE score improved significantly compared to median baseline PRTEE score (P-value<0.001). The VAS score, grip strength and improvement in PRTEE score at 6 weeks is relatively better in Group A compared to Group B, however the difference did not reach statistical significance (P-value>0.05).Conclusion: The use of wrist splint significantly improved the symptoms of the tennis elbow. The outcome is comparable to use of tennis elbow brace. The outcome is not statistically significant if compared between the two groups.


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How to Cite

Pote, D. U. B., Solge, A. ., Karpe, V. ., Ghare, M. A., & Thatte, A. A. (2020). Comparative study of the Effectiveness of the use of the universal tennis elbow splint compared to elbow brace in treatment of Lateral Epicondylitis. VIMS Health Science Journal, 7(4), 118–124.


