Clinical Study of Risk Factors for Diabetic Maculopathy
Diabetic Maculopathy, Diabetic Macular edema, Diabetic retinopathyAbstract
Aim: To determine the association between various systemic risk factors with diabetic maculopathy. Methodology: A prospective observational study was conducted on 50 patients having diabetic maculopathy. Patients with maculopathies secondary to Vitreous Haemorrhage, Ocular disorders like Glaucoma, Uveitis, Advanced Diabetic Eye Disease, Vitreo-macular traction, maculopathy along with proliferative diabetic retinopathy, ischemic maculopathy, and history of laser treatment in last six months were excluded from the study. Data was collected using a structured proforma that included name, age, sex, occupation, height, weight, history of other systemic diseases like hypertension, investigations and treatment taken in past, family history, duration of DM, smoking, hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia and nephropathy. Results: Out of 50 patients, 38 (76%) were males and 12 (24%) were females suggestive of male predominance. Mean age of the patient was 57.36±11.65 years in males and 56.67±10.17 years in females. Among 50 patients, 19 patients had diabetes mellitus for 6-10 years duration, 14 patients had diabetes mellitus for 1-5 years, in 12 patients for 11-15 years, in 2 patients for 16-20 years, in 2 patients for 21-25 years and only 1 patient more than 25 years. Mean duration of DM was 12.2±6.1 years. Majority of patients having maculopathy had duration of DM up to 20 years. Among 50 patients, 27 patients (54%) had systemic hypertension, 37 patients (74%) had uncontrolled blood sugar level, 29 patients (58%) were found to have hyperlipidemia and 20 patients (40%) had nephropathy. Among 50 patients, pseudophakia was noted in 7 patients (14%), obesity was noted in 21patients (42%). Eleven patients (22%) were found to have anemia, 6 patients (12%) had family history of DM and 13 patients (26%) had history of smoking. Conclusion: Hyperglycemia, hypertension, duration of DM, hyperlipidemia are the major risk factors for the development and progression of diabetic maculopathy. While anemia, smoking, and obesity, family history of DM are the less significant risk factors.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Dr. Surekha V. Bangal, Dr. Bhushan Patil, Dr. Akshita Sharma

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