Comparison of Acapella TM Versus Flutter for Airway Clearance In COPD Patients – A Cross Over Trial
Acapella, Flutter, COPD, Airway Clearance, PEP devicesAbstract
Background: Mechanical devices like Acapella and Flutter , which are able to create oscillatory positive expiratory pressure (PEP) have been used to promote mucus clearance. These devices prevent airway collapse by stenting the airways to promote collateral ventilation and thus assist in removal of secretions. The objective of present study was to compare Acapella versus Flutter for airway clearance in COPD patients. Method: 10 males and 5 females diagnosed as COPD based on GOLD’s criteria and aged 45-65 years were conveniently selected from Vikhe Patil Hospital, Ahmednagar. Design: Crossover trial. Result: 30 subject were included for cross over trial. The outcome measure was sputum volume in ml to compare between Acapella and Flutter. There is significant difference (p<0.0001) in sputum volume for Acapella and Flutter where p=0.05. Conclusion: Both the devices are effective however Flutter is more effective than Acapella for airway clearance in COPD patients.
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