Effectiveness of Conservative Management In Stenosing Tenovaginitis : A Case Study
stenosing Tenovaginitis of thumb, Pulse ultrasound, Paraffin wax bath, Deep friction massage & Strengthening exerciseAbstract
A single case study design was used to investigate the effects of pulse ultrasound paraffin wax bath, Deep transverse friction massage & strengthening exercises in Stenosing Tenovaginitis of thumb. Sub items had and finger function of the Dutch version of the second version of the Arthritis Impact Measurement Scale (DUTCH AIMS-2) was used to measure functional improvement, JAMAR Hand Grip Dynamometer was used to measure hand grip muscle strength & Visual analogue scale was used to measure pain. The study involved three phases in an ABA design. Patient was assessed at baseline (A), treatment was given for 15 days (B) and again assessed at end of session (A). the technique resulted in reduction in pain, improvement in functional ability and hand muscle strength in case of stenosing Tenovaginitis of thumb.
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