Variations in Extra Heads of Biceps Brachii Muscle: A Cadaveric Study
Biceps brachii, variations, neurovascular bundle, Extra headsAbstract
Background: Biceps brachii muscle is the most variable muscle in the upper limb. The commonest variations is third head of biceps brachii uncommon anomaly of the biceps having three or more heads. Knowledge of the extra heads of biceps brachii muscle may become significant in pre-operative diagnosis. Material & Methods: this study was carried out on a total of 80 upper limb of 40 embalmed cadavers during routine gross anatomy dissection in the department of Anatomy at PDVVPFs Medical College, Ahmednagar. Both arms of preserved cadavers (n=80) were dissected carefully for three years to see the site of origin, insertion and nerve supply of extra heads of Biceps brachii. Results: in our study we found extra heads of biceps brachii muscle in 17 upper limbs out of 80. Three heads of biceps brachii was found in 14 (17%) (right-6, left-8), four headed in 2 (2.5%) unilateral (right-2), Penta headed 1 (1.25%) upper limb (left-1). Conclusion: Knowledge of the extra heads of biceps brachii showing variations in its origin, becomes significant in pre-operative and during surgery of the upper limbs. They may cause compression of neurovascular structures.
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