Evaluation of deep vein thrombosis of lower l i m b s b y u s i n g c o l o u r d o p p l e r u l t r a - sonography
Venous thrombosis, Ultrasonography, Lower extremities, Deep vein thrombosis (DVT), Color dopplerAbstract
Background : Phlebography whichis “gold
standard” of venous imaging is expensive,
invasive, time consuming, painful, exposes to
radiation, lacks repeatability, requires expertise to
perform, interpretor reliably and associated with
low but finite risk of contrast reaction and postvenographic
phlebitis1. Colour Doppler is non
invasive, repeatable, can be performed rapidly in
the clinic, at patient's bedside or even at home and
the results are available immediately. Aim : To
Study the spectrum of findings on colour Doppler
ultrasound in patients who presented with clinical
symptoms and signs of deep venous thrombosis
and to evaluate the distribution of thrombi in lower
limb. Materials & Methods : It is prospective
study. And was carried out on 60 patients with
clinically suspected DVT. All suspected patients of
DVT in DVVPF's Vikhe Patil Memorial Hospital
were subjected to color Doppler examination
using (3-12 MHz) linear array transducer.
Results: Out of 60 cases, 47 cases showed the
presence of thrombus and 13 cases were negative
for thrombus.66.6% cases were males and out of
those evidence of DVT was noted in 65.9% .The
predominant involvement of DVT was seen in left
lower limb 56.25%. Distribution of DVT
wasleading in SFV, (85.1%) secondarily in
popliteal vein (76.6%) and then calf veins
(posterior tibial vein – 61.7%). Conclusion : L o s s of compressibility is the most common finding in
the patients of DVT. Localization & Evaluation of
extent of thrombosis. Doppler examination in all
the vein should be done in patients, to avoid
missing the thrombus isolated to single vein.
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