C o m p a r a t i v e s t u d y o f e x t r a c a p s u l a r dissection versus superficial parotidectomy in management of benign parotid tumors
Parotid tumors, superficial parotidectomy, e x t r a c a p s u l a r dissectionAbstract
Background : About 80% of salivary gland
tumours originate in the parotid gland, where most
of them are benign. different methods in surgical
management of benign parotid tumours has been
subject of controversy for many years, because of
the risks of facial nerve injury, capsular rupture
and recurrence. Hence there is need of study to
evaluate better technique between two most
commonly used methods namely superficial
parotidectomy and extracapsular dissection. Aim
& objective : To compare complications of
extracapsular dissection Versus superficial
parotidectomy in management of benign parotid
tumours. Materials and Methods : In this study
24 patients with benign tumours of the parotid
gland treated between July 2015 and July 2017 in
our institute are included. This is prospective
observational study. Results : Maximum transient
f a c i a l n e r v e i n j u r y w a s o c c u r r e d i n 8
patient(33.33%) which undergone superficial
parotidectomy . Facial paralysis is noted in 2
patients (8.33%) of superficial parotidectomy.
Frey’s syndrome was found in 6 patient (25.0%),
among these patient 4 patient(16.67%) were
undergone superficial parotidectomy and 2
patient (8.33%) ware undergone extracapsular
dissection. Conclusion : Extracapsular
dissection has less complications than superficial
parotidectomy. extracapsular dissection has similar recurrence rate to superficial parotidectomy.
According to this study extracapsular
dissection is better technique.
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G.d. Oregon, p. Bonavolonya, G. Laconetta, R. Forte, and L. California, "surgical management of benign tumors of the parotid gland: extracapsular dissection versus superficial parotidectomy-our experience in 232 cases, " Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery. 2013;71:2:410-413.
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