Mucormycosis and Its Co-Relation with Raised Ferritin Levels


  • Dr. Sandeep Chahande Gajanan ENT Hospital, Ahmednagar-414001, Maharashtra, India
  • Dr. Gajanan M. Kashid
  • Dr. Ashok Gaikwad
  • Dr. Abhijit Futane
  • Dr. Siddharth A. Purohit
  • Dr. Shamal K. Waghmare
  • Dr. Harshala Palwe



Mucormycosis, Serum ferritin, Hyperferritenemia, COVID-19


Background: Mucormycosis has emerged as an epidemic within the COVID-19 pandemic due to widespread use of corticosteroids and immune-modulators like Tocilizumab, in the management of COVID-19 pneumonia,. It is an invasive fungal disease which spreads by angioinvasion and rapidly spreads to adjacent tissues. If untreated its outcomes are dangerous and often fatal. Uncontrolled diabetes, malignancies and dialysis are predisposing factors. Raised blood iron is an important factor in pathogenesis and rapid progression of fungal invasion that needs to be investigated. Aim: To establish a correlation between raised serum ferritin level and aggressiveness of Mucormycosis. Methodology: A retrospective study was done from February 2021 to February 2022 of patients diagnosed with mucormycosis by middle meatal biopsy and microscopy along with CT & MRI scan of PNS with brain. They were treated either surgically or conservatively. All the blood parameters including serum ferritin level, were carried out.  A comparison was done on extent of disease in patients in-relation to their serum ferritin level. Results: Our study suggested that higher levels of ferritin are often associated with aggressive form the disease. Zygomycetes are dependent on environmental iron for their growth. Higher the serum ferritin level, more aggressive & widespread is mucormycosis. Conclusion: Serum free iron aggravates mucormycosis. Measures should take to control the serum ferritin in patients under risk for mucormycosis. Iron chelating agents or novel methods like anti-ftr1 immune serum should be developed for controlling the disease at its earlier stages.


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How to Cite

Chahande, D. S., Kashid , D. G. M. ., Gaikwad, D. A. ., Futane, D. A. ., Purohit , D. S. A. ., Waghmare , D. S. K. ., & Palwe, D. H. . (2022). Mucormycosis and Its Co-Relation with Raised Ferritin Levels. VIMS Health Science Journal, 9(2), 31–39.




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