A Study On Acute Appendicitis In A Tertiary Care Hospital
Appendix, Acute abdomen, Acute appendicitis, AppendicectomyAbstract
Background: Acute appendicitis is a common problem in children and early adult life. Appendicectomy can be an immediate or emergency procedure. It is to reduce morbidity and mortality. The present study was conducted to find out clinical profile of acute appendicitis and complications of appendicectomy. Material & Methods: This observational study was conducted among 75 patients diagnosed as acute appendicitis in tertiary care hospital. The record of age, sex, symptoms of the patients and post-operative complications were kept. All patients underwent appendicectomy. The follow up was done post operatively. Results: out of all study patients 64% were male & 36% were female. Nearly 75% of the patients belonged to the age group of 15-30years. 100% had pain abdomen, 83.2% had fever and 78.2% had vomiting. The post-operative complication was seen in 2% cases. Conclusion: Acute appendicitis is very common in younger age groups. The results shows that whenever young patients present with acute abdominal pain one of the differential diagnosis to be kept in mind is acute appendicitis. The complication of appendicectomy is very minimum and have a good prognosis.
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