Goldenhar Syndrome – A Case Report


  • Dr. Bipin Rathod
  • Dr. Sunil Mhaske
  • Dr. Thaslima K
  • Dr. Ninza Rawal
  • Dr. Ramesh Kothari
  • Dr. Ganesh Misal


Epibulbar dermoid, Micrognathia, Preauricular tags


Goldenhar syndrome also called as oculo-auriculo-vertebral dysplasia, is a rare syndrome developing from first and second pharyngeal arches during blastogenesis. This condition was documented in 1952 by Maurice Goldenhar. The syndrome is characterised by multiple anamolies of the ocular, auricular, cardia, skeletal and nervous system. Pericentric inversion of chromosome 9 is one of the most common structural balanced chromosomal aberration seen in this syndrome. Multi-disciplinary approach should be undertaken by several departments in evaluating such patients.


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How to Cite

Rathod, D. B., Mhaske, D. S., K, D. T. ., Rawal, D. N. ., Kothari, D. R., & Misal, D. G. (2017). Goldenhar Syndrome – A Case Report . VIMS Health Science Journal, 4(2), 86–88. Retrieved from



Case Report

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