A Study of Breastfeeding Practices in Rural Area of Ahmednagar District


  • Dr. Prajakta Ghatage
  • Dr. Ramesh Kothari
  • Dr. Sunil Natha Mhaske


Introduction: Breastfeeding is a basic human activity, vital to infant and maternal health and of immense economic value to households and societies. The WHO recommends that for the first six months of life, infants should be exclusively breastfed to achieve optimal growth, development, and health. Material & Methods: Stratified sampling method in community based study was carried out in the Ahmednagar and the sample size was 1008 infants below 1 year of age. Data was collected through face-to-face interview using a structured questionnaire in local language. Results: In our study we found that timely initiation of breast milk was given to only 4.3% neonates, Colostrum was discarded by 34 %, no breastfeeding was initiated in 48 hour in 36% neonates, Exclusively breast feed at 1 month were 96.4%, at 2 month were 83.3%, at 3 month were 72%, at 4 month were 61.5%, 5 month were 50.3%, at 6 month were 30.1%, complementary feeding  was timely started in 53.6% at 6 months and 47.6% were bottle feed. Conclusion: The breast feeding practices in rural region were far from satisfactory and exclusive breast feeding till 6 months of age was seen in only 30.2% of infants.


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How to Cite

Ghatage , D. P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., Kothari, D. R. ., & Mhaske, D. S. N. . (2018). A Study of Breastfeeding Practices in Rural Area of Ahmednagar District. VIMS Health Science Journal, 5(2), 71–73. Retrieved from https://vimshsj.edu.in/index.php/main/article/view/110




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