To Study the Illizarov’s External Ring Fixator for Management of Infected Non-union Fracture of Tibia


  • Dr. M. M. Mulay
  • Dr. D. B. Naikwade
  • Dr. P. D. Shah
  • Dr. J. D. Thipse


Illizarov, Infected Non-union, External fixator, Fracture Tibia


Background: infected non-union fractures of tibia can be treated by many modalities ranging from bone grafting free tissue transfer antibiotic cement and Illizarov’s external ring fixator. Aim: It is to study the effectiveness of Illizarov’s ring fixator system in treating non-union. Objectives: to evaluate the outcome of Illizarov external ring fixator system applied for infected fracture non-union of Tibia both clinically and radiologically. Study Design: Prospective longitudinal observational study. Result: the study comprised of 10 patients with the mean age of 43.2 years, with 2 female and 8 male patients. It was a secondary procedure for 6 patients and all 10 had evidence of infection. Satisfactory union was achieved in 9 cases with sustained non-union in one. One patient was lost in follow-up and there were no mortalities


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How to Cite

Mulay, D. M. M. ., Naikwade, D. D. B., Shah, D. P. D., & Thipse, D. J. D. (2016). To Study the Illizarov’s External Ring Fixator for Management of Infected Non-union Fracture of Tibia. VIMS Health Science Journal, 3(2), 59–63. Retrieved from


