Dynamic Hip Screw Versus Proximal Femoral Nail for Treatment of Trochanteric Hip Fractures: an Outcome Analysis with a Minimum 2 years of Follow Up
PFN, DHS, Proximal Femoral Nail, Dynamic Hip Screw, Intertrochanteric fractureAbstract
Introduction: during last 6 years study of intertrochanteric fracture femur was carried out at department of orthopaedics, DVVPF’s Medical College & Hospital. Total 155 patients were treated with PFN and DHS., 103 patient were PFN and 52 were DHS. Study Design: intertrochanteric fracture femur patient were surgically treated with PFN and DHS with plate. Total no. of 155 patients were operated under C-arm control and spinal or epidural anaesthesia. 103 were treated with PFN and 52 patient treated with DHS plate. PFN 72 were right side and 31 were left side, 62 were male & 41 were females, average age was 62 years. DHS were 52 patients, of which 30 were male, 22 were females, right side were 25 & left side 27, average age was 55 years. Aim: to compare the procedure during operative intervention and postoperative follow up for 2-3years. Comparison were made on the following points: 1) intra-operative time, 2) intra-operative blood loss, 3) post-operative mobilization, 4) post-operative electrolyte imbalance and disorientation, 5) healing and wight bearing, 6) implant cut through and failure, 7) limb length deficit and deformity, 8) failed procedure and 9) Infection. Results: results of PFN were superior to DHS. PFN was found more useful for osteoporotic & A2, A3 fracture types. Conclusion: PFN is preferable to DHS in the treatment of intertrochanteric fractures of femur.
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