Quality of Life In Patients of Acne Vulgaris
Acne, Adolescents, Quality of lifeAbstract
Background: Acne is a chronic inflammatory disease of pilosebaceous units. Although the acne is not a life threatening disease, studies have revealed that it has significant effect on self-image and quality of life. Aim: To study the quality of life in patients of acne vulgaris study and its correlation with disease duration and severity. Materials & methods: Total 100 patients of acne vulgaris were enrolled. Severity of acne was graded and quality of life was assessed by dermatology life excluded from the study. quality index (DLQI) questionnaire. Results: Mean DLQI was 8.9. + 4.9. A statistically significant correlation was found between DLQI and age, residence marital status of patient as well as with duration and severity of acne. Quality of life in acne was not influenced by gender. Conclusion: Acne adversely affects quality of life in Indian patients. Through knowledge of every aspect of acne along with Proper treatment and counselling is utmost importance for a health care professionals.
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