The Clinical Utility of Non Protein Nitrogenous Substances in Pre-Eclampsia & Eclampsia


  • Dr. P. V. Satyanarayana
  • Dr. R. K. Padalkar
  • Dr. S. S. Bhagat
  • Mr. R. A. Ghone
  • Dr. S. M. Patil


Renal tubular function, Non-protein nitrogenous substances, Pre-eclampsia, Eclampsia


Background: Modern obstetrics, hypertensive disorders of pregnancy are understood to a clinical abnormalities ranging from minimal elevation in blood pressure to severe hypertension with multi organ dysfunction. Aim: the goal of study was to scrutinize impact of serum urea, creatinine, uric acid in patients with preeclampsia. Objectives: the objective of study to estimate the non-protein nitrogenous substances in pre-eclampsia and eclampsia compared with normal pregnant women. Study Design: in present case control study 60 pre-eclampsia and 60 eclampsia patients were estimated and compared with 60 normal pregnant women. The serum urea estimated by diacetyl monoxime method, uric acid by uricase method and serum creatinine by alkaline picrate method. Result significant elevations were found in the levels of serum urea, creatinine and uric acid (p<0.001) in patients when compared with controls. These effects may be due to generalized reduction of organ perfusion leading endothelial cell activation, vasospasm and microthrombi formation or it may be due to increased reabsorption, decreased secretion or both.


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How to Cite

Dr. P. V. Satyanarayana, Padalkar, D. R. K., Bhagat , D. S. S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., Ghone, M. R. A. ., & Patil, D. S. M. . (2015). The Clinical Utility of Non Protein Nitrogenous Substances in Pre-Eclampsia &amp; Eclampsia. VIMS Health Science Journal, 2(3), 85–88. Retrieved from




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