Manual Vacuum Aspiration – Walk In & Walk out Procedure
MVA, Abortion, MTPAbstract
Objective: To prove the efficacy, safety & simplicity of MVA with basic infrastructure. Method: this prospective study was conducted since January 2010-December 2012. Patients included in the study were up to 12 weeks of gestation who underwent MVA using double valve MVA syringe. Result: Procedure was done at OPD; time required was 10-15min, neither general anaesthesia nor sedation was required. Efficacy of procedure was 99%. Incomplete uterine evacuation was seen in 2 cases. The procedure was tolerated by all the patients. Patients were discharged within 1-1.5hrs. Conclusion: MVA is safe, simple, effective method of 1st trimester MTP with minimal surgical complication, this is a walk in & walk out procedure.
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