A Cross Sectional Study to Evaluate Decision to Delivery Interval in Emergency Caeserian Section at a Tertiary Care Hospital
Decision to delivery interval, Caesarean section, DDIAbstract
Background: One of the main factors affecting maternal morbidity and mortality is the decision to delivery interval (DDI) that is, the time taken from the decision to take the patient up for caesarean section to the delivery of the fetus. Method: This is a retrospective observational study conducted over a period of twelve months where 370 patients were studied. Results: No delay was seen in 49.2% cases whereas most delay was noted after decision by obstetricians to transfer patient to OT (22.2%). Conclusion: In order to get favourable maternal and fetal outcome decision to delivery interval should be within 30 minutes and this can be made possible if factors like results of blood investigations and cross matching of blood can be made available on time.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Dr. Pramod R. Gade, Dr. Sharmeen K. Vazifdar, Dr. Gautam S. Aher

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