A rare case of ruptured ectopic pregnancy in rudimentary horn of unicornuate uterus
Ruptured ectopic, Rudimentary horn, Unicornuate uterus, Second trimester ruptureAbstract
Congenital uterine anomalies have a profound i m p a c t o n r e p r o d u c t i v e o u t c o m e s . T h e unicornuate uterus accounts for approximately
20% of all congenital uterine anomalies. Unicornuate uterine anomalies with noncommunicating rudimentary horns are at risk of developing ectopic pregnancy in the rudimentary horn. Given increased risk of uterine rupture, rudimentary horn pregnancies pose significant threat to maternal health. We present one such case presented with Acute abdomen due to rupture in second trimester.
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